Component: THotSpot Description: HotSpot component for Delphi16 Version: 1.2 Author: Richard Shotbolt Email: Date: 25 Mar 1997 A HotSpot is a transparent box which you can drop on an image or any other visual component. This box can receive mouse events so that you can tell when the cursor is over the hotspot. You can put a box of any colour around it and have it flash if desired. Unlike a TShape, this box is drawn as four thin rectangles; this avoids invalidating the inside of the hotspot, and stops annoying bits of background flickering at you. This version allows the parent to be reassigned at runtime. THotSpot is freeware - use it how you like. << Using THotSpot >> Just drop it on a component, pull it about and set a few properties. Assign procedures to the mouse events and off you go! --------------------------------------------------------------------- << Properties >> --------------------------------------------------------------------- All the usual ones (Height, Width etc) but not Visible - use ShowBox instead. Enabled: Boolean; When True, HotSpot reacts to mouse events. Default is True. ShowBox: Boolean; If True, a box is drawn around the hotspot. If FlashTime > 100, this box flashes. Default is False. FlashTime: Integer; Sets the flash on and off time in milliseconds. If less than 100, the hotspot stops flashing. Default is 0. Color: TColor; Sets the colour of the box. Default is clWhite. LineWidth: Integer; Sets the thickness of the walls of the box. Default is 3 pixels. Other properties: Align; Cursor; DragCursor; Height; Hint; Left; Name; ParentShowHint; ShowHint; Tag; Top; Width; --------------------------------------------------------------------- << Mouse Events >> --------------------------------------------------------------------- OnClick; OnDblClick; OnDragDrop; OnDragOver; OnEndDrag; OnMouseDown; OnMouseMove; OnMouseUp; --------------------------------------------------------------------- << Installation >> Backup your 'complib.dcl' file as a precaution. Select 'Options', 'Install Components'. Select 'Add', 'Browse'. Select the directory containing the HotSpot files. Select 'hotspot.pas' and click OK on each box that appears. The Hotspot control will be added to the 'Samples' section of your component toolbar. If anything goes wrong, restore your backed-up complib.dcl and try again after correcting any obvious problems.